
On Wednesday the 5th of February 2014, “KOANS Exhibition” was held at Tang Contemporary Art Gallery in Silom Galleria in Bangkok (Thailand) . What’s special about this contemporary art exhibition is that it showcases the collaborative art series from two renowned artists from Thailand and...

Együtt szívott füvet Jimi Hendrixszel, barátságot kötött Andy Warhollal, mindemellett pedig éveket töltött buddhista kolostorokban, a világ elől elvonulva. Szilágyi Szabolcs, művésznevén SI-LA-GI öt kontinenst bejárva vált nemzetközi hírű festővé és képzőművésszé, akinek legfőbb műve nem más, mint tulajdon élete. Interjú. Az utazásoknak, kalandoknak jelentős...

How do you start your day? With a Buddhist ritual, formal practice followed by a substantial breakfast. It’s quite a wide range from silence through Miles Davis and Beethoven to Indian and Japanese classical and authentic folk music. Interestingly, though I appreciate Bartók immensely, I’m not touched...

French Art Critic and Philosopher Pierre Restany is sharing his vision on SI-LA-GI's Art during an interview. Interviewer: Mr Restany, I would like to put two more questions to you. Have you seen SI-LA-GI’s exhibition entitled Hanging Gardens which is being held at the Fészek...

Discussion about Art and life between Bencsik and SI-LA-GI. BENCSIK : After your first exhibition in Hungary in the Ernst Museum you had another one in the Obudai Pincegaléria in the autumn. This exhibition was pointedly built on the teachings and practice of Buddhism; a...

Transcript of a conversation between Andy Warhol and SI-LA-GI in New-York (1985). SI-LA-GI: By forming this book dealing with myself I should like to approach my activity and art itself from a new viewpoint. The analyses by the art historian Lorand Hegyi Land the present...